Monday, February 25, 2013


this past week has been rough. 
sick kids, husband in training at work, exhaustion, nebulizer treatments, weird weather, and throw-up. 
--ever so much throw-up. 

i know i just recently had this picture in a post, but it accurately describes the mood here in sick-ville.

my hope is that God will refresh my soul, because i am weary.
my energy is gone, my patience is wearing thin. 
i need a hug. 
and a babysitter.
and a delicious cup of coffee.

and maybe a nap.

yeah. naps make everything better.


  1. Will this winter ever end? So much sickness this entire winter seaso. In our home. More then i can ever remember. Naps are good. So take on of those and then drink your cup of coffee.....

  2. Hang in there! Do nothing but the bare essentials and "this too shall pass". About 3 weeks ago we spend a full week sick. Everyone but the dog got it - it ranged from 103.2 fevers to nausea to headaches and coughs, depending on who you were. I wish I'd taken a picture of our living room on Thursday that week. Everyone was on a space on a couch with their blanket and powerade watching a movie, except Joseph who was on a pallet on the floor. Of course, I had to keep on taking care of everyone even when it was my turn to be sick! You're right - naps make everything better. Take care - Cheryl

  3. i'm making everyone take vitamin c just so we can keep going :)
    doctors appointment's probably ear infections all the way around. too bad they don't have a frequent doctor's visit pass.... i'd earn free points as fast as i could spend them ;)


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