Monday, January 28, 2013

girls girls girls

we had the privilege of attending the hubs' brother's wedding this weekend. 
the whole thing was so much fun!

the hubs has lots of brothers. we love them all. this particular one, we call him uncle squishy. 
he's a marine. 

he teaches the boys to say stupid things that make no sense... like, "banana boat geek," which they repeat over and over because they love to please him. 
thanks a lot, uncle squishy.
 from top left: uncle james, the hubs, cousin josh, uncle squishy, uncle sandor, grandpa/popage
bottom left: asher, gabe, judah, elijah

aren't they a handsome bunch of fellows?

these are momage and popage. they are technically my in-laws 
but i love them too much to call them that. 
they're my awesome-laws. 
yep, made that up.
if you don't know them, you should. they're awesome. did i say that already?

flowers were everywhere, it was outside on a beautiful day. all the little kids ran around and played for hours and hours. we had such a wonderful time.
and the best part is we got an auntie/sister out of the deal!
welcome, aunt megan, to the family!

we are looking forward to another brother's wedding in a few months and the birth of a different brother's niece in the summer. i told you he had a lot of brothers, right?

our family is growing by leaps and bounds this year.
it's great, because we need some girls up in this joint. holla!

1 comment:

  1. You are so blessed to have Awesome-laws. I love that. Not all of us have that blessing.... your family is lovely. And UNcle Squishy... well Semper Fi.
    I wonder what his Marine Brothers think of UNcle Squishy. That is awesome.


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