Monday, April 26, 2010

how many can you name?

sorry that there haven't been many posts recently. besides being busy with our small tribe, i am a bit sickly and the hubs has been using the computer to finish grad school projects so he can graduate in MAY!! woohoooooooo!

i promise that soon there will be a light-hearted post that is full of blooms and blossoms and happy birds singing. but today, an update.

so more doctors for the baby. i know what you're thinking, "but marge, don't you have four children. why is every post about the youngest?" well, he's a bit of a high-maintenance dude. there are so many specialists that we are supposed to go see over the next few months. i need to schedule all of the appointments. here's the docs we're seeing. prayers are appreciated. 
1. geneticist 
2. ENT
3. GI doctor 
4. endocrinologist 
5. opthamologist 
6. pulmonologist 
7. blood work up 

--if we had a test later, how many would you be able to name? the hubs could only list two.

i promise i am not a hypochondriac. CPS and our pediatrician have referred us to all these doctors. a bit overwhelming, if you ask me. when i worked in ECI (early childhood intervention), we dealt with lots of parents who were in the process of getting a diagnosis for their child. there was a mourning process for them once they got that diagnosis. a mourning for the hopes and dreams they had for their child, and the realization that the life the child would have might be different. it didn't mean they had to change the dreams for their child, but they would have to realize that there might be obstacles that they would have to face together.

so over the next few months, we will be meeting all of these fabulous doctors, and hopefully we'll get more information that can help us address any of the baby's needs.

please pray for us as we get all of this information, wait in waiting rooms, find childcare for the other children, and deal with each diagnosis as it comes.


  1. Oh Marge! What a list! You're such a strong woman. To go through so much day in and day out and give all your love to the little ones is truly a miracle in itself. I'll be praying diligently for all the little ones and especially the littlest one. Love you sister.

  2. Wow! I thought L was high maintenance but that takes the cake! Words like shaken baby and fetal alcohol syndrome make me MAD! They are both things that are completely avoidable and yes you are right...the person that is responsible doesnt have to live with the consequences the way the child does....argh! let us know how all those doctors visits with the family go! crazy!!!


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