Saturday, July 12, 2014

the fourth...late

so this post is late.
fourth of july was a blast here and i just haven't gotten around to posting about it.

we not only got to celebrate the fourth, we also celebrated the hubs and his wonderful birthday!

we celebrate things by laying down.
(see below)

and playing miniature golf. 
asher kept holding his golf club in such a weird way, kind of like he was a grandfather clock with a pendulum. 

and for dinner we ate at a steak place. 
--because a manly man has manly birthdays--
this is the hubs and his dorky cheesy smile that he does when i make him take photos. 
elijah is always up for a picture, and with a smile like that, who can blame him?

our wonderful dear friends invited us to their lake house, where there was no water because we live in texas and it's dry 99% of the time, and it was fantastic! 

we didn't have to worry about the kids out in the open lake, playing rough, jumping into rocks, or drowning. 
they played on a water slide in the back yard while we all sat on the breezy porch and we all had a blast.
top the day off with fireworks and grilling meat...
who could ask for anything more?


  1. Lakes with water are out of style. Love your hubs and you and your peeps.

    1. and we love you bunches, sweet lady! hope y'all are doing splendidly.


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