Tuesday, September 24, 2013

the good stuff

we have been adjusting over here in our neck of the woods. 
it's been a rough transition and we still haven't worked out all the kinks. i don't think we should make a goal of that, anyway, since kinks are kinda how life goes.

but before we go on, i want to let you know: these are pics of the good stuff. 
don't look at these and think this is all there is over here. 
no no no.
we have days of crying, wrestling, nose bleeds, yelling, rushing, and irritation. 
so don't look at these and be like, "wow. look at the creative, fun, quality-time-spending family and their pics. i wish we were like that."

 there are really hard days and there are days that are filled with fun. such is life.

the boys have been really into playdough lately.
i find it funny that most toys, given enough time, will boomerang. 
they play with a toy for a few weeks when they're 3, then again when they're 4, then again when they're 5. it's pretty intriguing to see how their play changes with age.

gabe made an egg. yum.

 the boys are kinda obsessed with the hubs and his phone. and apparently they have no idea what personal space is. ah, family togetherness. 

 elijah is quite the diligent little homework-doer. 
he just decided he wanted to practice writing the number 3 over and over.
and after each one he says, "mom, are you proud of me?" 
what a beautiful little man. 

with all the reading the school demands asks of us, i've been trying to find books that will excite gabe. the other day he said he hated reading, because the book he was working on was too hard. it broke my heart a little because i love reading and i want him to love it, too.  
so i'm kinda bribing him...i mean...giving him incentives...yeah...in that we read a book that's a bit easier that he can do with minimal help for his structured reading time, and if he works hard with a good attitude for 15 minutes, we spend the last 5 with me reading him a book of his choice.

asher picked out this dinosaur one with gabriel in mind. he said he thought gabe would like it.
adorable. and thoughtful. 
i assure you not all moments are made up of this much consideration and thoughtfulness. 

sometimes on fridays, we watch too much tv. and that's ok with me because all week long we barely watch any because...you guessed it...homework.
apparently asher was lulled into a deep sleep with the rain pouring outside, the recliner, and an afternoon of tv watching.
doesn't that sound lovely?

look at judah's face. 
pure cuteness.

our cousin invited us over to have a bluebonnet stomp.
she and her family have lived in the same town as us for years but we don't get together much since life kinda gets hectic. 
this was such a blast. 
the boys had a wonderful time and we did too!
my cousin's son is a teenager and the boys pretty much think he is amazing.
--which is true.

they played and played and then we threw bluebonnet seeds and stomped on them.
it was adorable.
not gonna lie.

i painted my toes last week, lit a candle, and tried to drink more water since my plan of working out while the kids are at school has failed because...well...i'm too lazy. 
my excuse is: i get a lot done while they're gone, even if it doesn't better my physical health in any way.
i think that rationale is totally legit.

may your week be blessed, friends.


  1. 'Wish we were there to stomp on the bluebonnets, too! Cheryl

  2. wish you had been there too. it was such a fun afternoon!
    we missed you at the reunion too but your letter was so nice!!


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