Thursday, May 2, 2013


last weekend i got the chance to go surprise my brother in kentucky for his 40th birthday. 
my parents and my sister came too. so did my sis-in-law's side of the family. 
it was one big deal!

we walked on a pedestrian bridge
(that's my sister and my nieces and nephew)

on this walk i realized i am even more unfit than i thought

we had a tea party with lovely china dishes

we ate tons of yummy food and even visited a local dessert shop where my sister ordered "fru-fru coffee" and my nieces ordered ice cream cones

i drank tons of tea because my throat was hurting so badly from allergies, but the good news is: i haven't gotten worse AND my sis-in-law gave me this cute mug to take home with me as a souvenir!

we surprised the pee out of my brother who didn't know we were coming... mad props to my sis-in-law for pulling it off!

kentucky was in full bloom, showing off for us texans who only have two seasons: hot and hotter

and my nieces sold mint at the golf course behind their house for golfers to take home and make mint juleps
--this is the life people

and i would now like to give a shout-out to the hubs: he braved four kids alone all weekend to let me go have some fun and while i was gone, he broke his hand, yet still managed to hold down the fort.
he's a keeper.

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