Sunday, August 26, 2012


with the school year about to commence tomorrow, i have been thinking about last school year and ...well... it was pretty much awful. don't get me wrong, there were highs. but oh, the lows were low.
but don't fret, pet!

 i have high hopes for this year.

i'm hopeful that my husband and i will continue to disciple our children and help them understand the world the way God desires them to see it.
i'm hopeful that my boys will make loving, godly choices throughout their school days.
i'm hopeful that when my boys don't make loving, godly choices throughout their school days, my husband and i will be quick to show grace and instruct them in how the Lord desires them to behave.
i'm hopeful that we will quickly find a routine that works for us and that will help us stay organized.
i'm hopeful that godly teachers will be with my children and that God will place peers in my sons' classes that will challenge them and help them grow.
i'm hopeful that this school year will see less illness and more health.
i'm hopeful that i will use my time wisely and seize teachable moments when my children are most moldable.
i'm hopeful that i will remain focused (when we are running late, lunches are not ready, and milk mustaches remain on my sons' faces) that God has a plan for our family. and that i should not be too busy to see it.

may this school year be a blessing to your children, their teachers, their peers, and your families.
and if you are one of those lovely, wonderful teachers out there: go get 'em! and have fun!

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