Thursday, April 29, 2010

my blooming miracle

look closely at this picture. notice anything interesting? besides the slinky. yep. that's a sock in the orchid. my orchid bloomed a sock. this is quite indicative of my life. something stinky in a pot with something beautiful. ;) that's my life in an orchid planter, i mean...a nutshell.

here's some of the goings-ons, since i need a blog break from the kiddos. my top 6 (i try not to conform):
1. the hubs is ready for graduation. me too.
2. the eldest is saying hilarious things like "in the beginning, God made mommy."
3. today i rebelled against chores and accomplished nothing around the house except loading and starting the dishwasher.

4. i had a heart-to-heart last night with the training coordinator of our adoption/foster agency for like an hour and it was so good for my soul. she is wonderful. we're like peas and carrots. ;) there's something to be said for people in my life who have no pity for foster children (because they don't need your pity), who will be upfront with me about the risks associated with fostering (i'm sick of sugarcoating the situation and/or putting foster parents on pedestals), and who can tell me they've been right where i'm at (she was a foster parent for like 20 years). here's my shout-out to linda. wooop.
5. blue bell makes banana pudding icecream (thanks amanda jo) and it kinda rocks my face off. really. yum.
blue bell: if you would like to pay me to endorse the best icecream in the country, i'm here for yah.
6. matt maher is my new fave artist at the moment. all his songs make me happy. go enjoy "no greater love"and tell me if you think he's like a refreshing drink of something tingly and carbonated.


  1. 1. I am ready for graduation too! It seems like one of us has been in school for 10 years...mostly because one of us HAS!
    2. Too sweet! Its true to you know ;-)
    3. I do that most days. Playing with a baby is just more of a pressing matter.
    4. That is so good..I am glad you have her...God eally knows who and what to put in our lives doesnt he?
    5. I knew about this...that hand burger joint in Grand Prairie on 303 used to sereve it and I havent found it since..mmmm.
    6. I will have to check him out!

  2. You are doing great things Margaret. This does not surprise me in the least, because you are amazing.
    Also: I too, love Matt Maher. He used to play my college all the time, and so Ive met him a bunch, and not only is he a very talented artist, but he is also a great guy. :)


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